Saturday, October 13, 2012

Country Ride

Have I ever mentioned that I drive a 14-passenger wheelchair-lift bus?

Yesterday was one of those rare perfect activities days. Balloon volley was well attended (including by our newest resident) and the music social turned more interactive when I announced the song release date and then asked things like "What were you doing on 4th of May 1938?". One woman remembered that she was graduating high school around the time that particular song first came out.

After lunch we went on a Country Ride and I was apprehensive that I had lost the directions I had researched a long time ago. The thing about planning in advance is that I sometime forget my intentions but crisis was adverted when I remembered that I was using those directions for something else and had them safely in a folder.

I don't know the area around my job too well. The purpose of a Country Ride is to just drive and enjoy the view. Rather than use my own time as a pre-view of a route, I just assumed that if we drove to a vineyard (they are always in pretty places, right?) it would be scenic. I got lucky and the roads were indeed lovely and the weather was crisp to be in but perfect to see.

When we were back and the bus was parked I used the few minutes before the next activity to get caught up on a project I need for next Tuesday. Just then, a musician I had been playing phone tag with called and we finally set up a time for the next big event I'm having. He had been in earlier and left me a rose as an unnecessary apology for missing each other so much. It was great luck I was in the office when he called.

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