Saturday, October 29, 2016

Pinata Therapy

As we continue to honor different employees each month, we celebrated Rehab with a fitting physical activity: a hand made leaf pinata cut and decorated by the residents. We did this on the first day of Autumn. One resident volunteer, who has limited use of her left hand, was able to pull leaves off a garland to come spilling out when the pinata was finally cracked. The rehab employees took turns and the resident spectators cheered when candy and thank you cards were finally unleashed.

Sunday, October 16, 2016

The Bread and Butter of Assisted Living

I told the women sitting around the table, all of whom were at least in their 80's, that I was going to teach them about making butter. They didn't believe me.

With a few tablespoons of heavy cream, souffle cups, and 5 minutes of arm exercise, I surprised them.

While we shook, the smell of fresh baked bread kneaded the air. The residents had each added one of the ingredients for the loaf.

After the bread machine beeped we swiped creamy fresh butter on hot slices and took big bites.

Visiting children played on the floor with building blocks. The residents speculated on when the youngest would learn to walk.

It was a great day in Assisted Living.