Monday, November 5, 2012

You Can't Judge a Book by It's Cover

Another great meeting of Book Club at work. So far we have read "One Thousand White Women", "The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo", "Bel Canto" and our next one up is "Night". We also discussed "The Help".

The residents constantly amaze me. There is a woman with the best sense of humor, and Parkinson's; a men who can remember every meal he ever had on an outing, but can hardly move because of a stroke; a woman who has the figure of a teenager, but can't remember any games with new rules. They deal with loss, pain, and limitations, yet they go out of their ways to be nice to new people. They don't complain and they are determined to make the best of each day.

Some friends have told me they suspect older people don't have any fresh ideas. They think older people just rely on canned phrases and repeated stories. Certainly this may be true for some but many more times I've been surprised by the resident's wittiness or assertions which could only have been newly generated for the situation at hand.

I look forward to book club because I genuinely want to know what they think of the things we read. They shock me with their insight and I think they would shock the people who believe young ideas can't come from 90-somethings. For most of the residents- looks are very deceiving.

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