Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Giant Group Crossword Puzzles

A great activity that always goes over well is a group crossword puzzle. In order for it to include a group the puzzle is huge (2 feet by 3 feet I would guess). When you order the puzzles you get a large roll of blank ones and a book with clues. I tape them to a white board in sight of everyone who'd like to contribute. Everyone is welcome to answer, and if we get to a point where the puzzle is unsolvable I begin using "heavy clues". For example "Ham" was the answer and the clue was a radio operator. If they had not been able to guess it I might have said "another name for pig meat". As we go along and fill things in I like to circle the ones that are new to everyone. At the end I pick the most interesting circled word and challenge everyone to use it in a sentence that day. Then I offer the completed puzzle to anyone who'd like it as a souvenir. No one has taken me up on that, yet.

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