Actually, it was Croissant Day, but all I was able to capture by picture were the crumbs.
For our taste test today I picked up four types of pastries from Panera and gave a small piece of each to the residents to taste and decide which was their favorite. The options were cheese, cherry, chocolate, and plain (cheese and cherry got the most votes).
We discussed the history of the croissant, much to the amusement of one British resident, "Everything has a history in America!" They descended from Kipferl and are distinguished by their cresent shape. They have many layers divided by butter and can filled or topped. Some people eat them for breakfast while others consider them purely a dessert. We discussed different preferences of countries and of the residents themselves.
Afterwards, I took my tray with me to tempt the male residents to come to Men's group. There we discussed Valentine's Day and wrote more letters to children. The sweetest one so far was by a resident who told me Valentines Day, to him, meant nothing special for him and his late wife because for them every day was filled was sweetness and romance. They didn't need to single out one day to focus on that.
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