Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Fall Changes

A wonderful thing about my job is that it is always changing. I don't have repetitive days or ever have to complain that I'd like to shake things up.

A challenging thing about my job is that it is always changing. Just as soon as I find a good rhythm people leave their positions, rules change, or residents desire different things.

We've had a shift and I now work with three new people and the part-time activities postion is open. It's my nature to take care of logistics before spending time on creativity and therefore I've spent most of my planning these past few weeks adjusting the schedule to complement the recent changes in activities from my new team members. This is not my favorite part of the job but if I try to ignore it I am afraid I'll forget something important when creating the calendar.

Hopefully today my group had the last meeting and once I input them I can focus on doing fun things on "the floor" with residents rather than worry about room usage, vehicle reservations, and rotated responsibilties.

We visited our friends in the dementia unit again and this time we brought door decorations we made for them. They were just like the ones for our unit and the residents that gathered were asked to choose their favorite and decide how they'd like it to be placed on their door. Then I showed everyone the sugar glider. It went so well that I think that's what we'll do from now on. As a planning example, this means I'll change the schedule to have door decorating day one week and making door decorations for the dementia unit the next followed by our visit during the weekend. This gives us practice in making them and also gives me a chance to help someone make decorations who misses the first week. The visit has to be scheduled in between our church and their church times, so on.

There is going to be a bake sale tomorrow and I let our leaf door decorations inspire sugar cookies in fall shapes and in fall colors (well, colors I could manage from our food dye kit: red, orange, yellow, and green). We worked really hard and made a bunch. They turned out well and the picture doesn't do them much justice.

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