Monday, May 25, 2020

Memorial Day

Always my favorite Holiday to work with the patients! Each of the patients and staff got a poppy sticker and we discussed what the day meant to us. We thanked veterans and shared people in our lives who served. We played patriotic songs and tried to guess the titles and singers. I shared information about the history of the songs and most of the patients enjoyed reminiscing. At 3PM we paused our word games for a moment of silence. Then we ended the day with warm towel massages as a final thank you to their generation.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Mod Podge

We used mod podge, construction paper, and bits from the Indianapolis Star newspaper to celebrate mod podge day. Since Covid was very prevalent in the news there was a theme for the art.

We also did a balloon dodge exercise and mod podge phrases game.

Friday, May 1, 2020

May Flowers

Simple origami is an activity I enjoy for the patients. We made tulips for Spring Break Day.
Step by step drawing is also a good brain/creativity for dementia patients. We made Lady Slippers for Minnesota's Day.