This Father's Day I wanted to serve something healthy, and blue. After a quick poll of fathers, I found out that men don't really care about color coordinating their snacks. They also don't care about health at a party.
For our social I picked up a special local bologna, cheese, crackers, cookies, and cupcakes. It took a few phones calls to delis, but the food brought back memories to many residents. We laid out blue tablecloths in the dining room and a favorite band came in to sing and play for the residents. We focused on inviting the men (who are all fathers in some way) but the women who peaked in were welcome to attend. For once, they were outnumbered.
One of the female residents who I took back to her room reminded me of why activities are important, although much different from the medical services offered. She told me that morning had been difficult for her and she prayed for God to help her get through the day. Then, she heard music coming from down the hall. She could not believe the band took the request for one of her favorite songs. The social "revived her".
I love my job. No bologna.